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5 of the Latest Tools You Need to Include in Your Hurricane Prep Kit

When was the last time you updated your disaster prep kit? That is — if you have one at all. According to a 2020 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey, only one in three people have an emergency supply kit. Having a well-stocked kit can make a big difference in the event of a hurricane, so it’s important to go beyond bandages and bottled water. Think you’ll be ready when disaster strikes? See which of our these five emergency prep tools you have in your kit.

1. Solar Charger

Electricity is often the first thing to go during a natural disaster, and having a way to generate energy can make or break a situation. Classic generators can come with a hefty price tag, and portable options aren’t ideal for wet conditions. Solar chargers are a more affordable, flexible option, and many of them are designed to be water-resistant. 

With solar chargers, you can rely on your power bank as long as you have access to sunlight. Some models are even made for low-light conditions, so you don’t have to worry about overcast days after a hurricane.

2. Body Lamps

According to the CDC, flashlights are the most common item people keep in their emergency supply kits, but it’s important to have functional, convenient gear in a disaster. Level up your kit with wearable body lamps that keep your hands free for whatever comes your way. Wearing a headlamp or light-up armband can help you navigate in the dark without worrying about dropping your flashlight or juggling bulky supplies. 

Because they’re always with you, body lamps are also a convenient way to increase your own visibility to those around you, such as family members or first responders. When the power goes out, you can rely on your body lamps to avoid fumbling around in the dark — just remember to pack extra batteries or charge them when a major storm is approaching.

3. Water Purifier

One of the first steps to take when a hurricane approaches is securing a safe water supply, with extreme weather having the potential to contaminate water sources. Severe flooding can shut down water treatment plants, damage pipes, and introduce dangerous chemicals into your home’s tap water. Setting up a store of bottled water is a great way to start, but having a water purifier on hand ensures that you’ll never run out. 

Quality water filters can often filter hundreds to thousands of gallons of water, removing microplastics, parasites, and even lead. Options ranging from lightweight straw filters for personal use to large, communal gravity filters make it easy for you to pick the right option for your kit. 

4. Weather Radio

Radios allow you to access vital weather updates during a natural disaster even when you can’t access the news on your phone or TV. When choosing your radio, consider opting for a model with a hand-crank generator. By putting in a bit of elbow grease, you can trust that your radio will always have power, even if you run out of batteries. Many models also have regular batteries and solar panels, giving you plenty of options to stay connected with critical weather information.

5. Emergency Toilet

When preparing for a disaster, thinking about where you’ll go number two is rarely the first thing on your mind. But the need to use the bathroom stops for no one, not even a hurricane. Many people turn off their main water valve during a hurricane; this is a great way to prevent flooding, but it also means sacrificing the comfort of a functional toilet. During a disaster, you may not know how long you’ll be without functioning plumbing, which makes having a clean, comfortable emergency toilet such a game-changer. 

While you may have seen makeshift toilets made from buckets and cat litter, there’s a better way to handle your bathroom emergencies in the face of a true disaster. Modern portable toilets like the briefcase commode are tidy and discreet, making them easy to store and even easier to use. The best portable commodes are lined with durable waste bags, which contain a high-tech powder that neutralizes odors and eliminates biohazards. Because the powder turns into a gel when it interacts with waste, you can simply seal the bags up and dispose of them like regular trash without worrying about tears or spills.

Become a Pro Prepper With Brief Relief

Emergency preparedness is all about having the tools to thrive when the conditions aren’t so perfect. Brief Relief’s line of portable commodes can help you bring dignity and comfort to even the most disastrous of situations. 

Although Brief Relief’s innovative, sanitary products are great in an emergency, they aren’t just for worst-case scenarios. They’re easy to transport and clean, so you can bring them with you to remote job sites, campsites, or any other situation where you need to go while on the go. If you’re ready to invest in your comfort and peace of mind, explore our full product line.