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Portable Restrooms are Essential for Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane scene with trees bending and a lot of rain

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Each year, tropical storm systems and hurricanes leave homeowners and their families struggling for basic necessities. As a first responder or on-call emergency restoration specialist, being equipped with the right tools is critical to keep you, your team, and those being rescued. However, there is one thing that is overlooked. If you have to go to the bathroom, where do you go? If plumbing is out and people’s homes are flooded, you are left in a tricky situation. This is where Brief Relief products can help you and those effected by the storm!

Staying Prepared with Brief Relief

During periods of utility damage or plumbing inoperability, providing customers with a portable restroom supports greater health, comfort, and peace of mind. With portable commodes, waste bags, privacy curtains, and more, Brief Relief products are ideal for hurricane preparedness and confer three key advantages, including:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

1. Health & Sanitation

Whether your clients secured their plumbing systems in preparation for the storm or do not have accessible bathrooms in the hurricane’s aftermath, Brief Relief’s waste bags alleviate the risk of spreading contaminants, viruses, bacteria, and potential disease.


2. Comfort & Privacy

In the wake of a storm, temporary public restroom stations and trailers are oftentimes provided to service the community. At the same time, these solutions can be cumbersome to access, unsanitary, or unavailable before or during the storm. Brief Relief’s commode systems and privacy curtain, the Bin Door Buddy, create sanitary portable bathrooms where and when your team need it most.


3. Easy Storage

When customers allow waste to accumulate in an inoperable household toilet or bucket, the conditions quickly become nauseating and unsanitary. Both our liquid and solid waste bags are puncture proof, odorless, and compact. They can be stored somewhere until you find a safe place to dispose of them, keeping you, your staff, and others safe from bacteria.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Be Prepared and Stay Prepared

Brief Relief portable lavatory systems are a safe, convenient, and sanitary way to keep first responders prepared for a post tropical storm, hurricane, or disaster scene. In addition, it’s a great supply to have in your family’s personal hurricane preparedness kit. Each travel toilet, waste bag, and restroom kit is a key addition to any disaster kit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]