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Secretary/Treasurer, Teamsters Local No. 63

“I agree that the Brief Relief line of products provide an excellent alternative when regular restroom facilities are not available. Members are faced, on a daily basis, with having to use “make-shift” containers such as cups, bottles, or other unsanitary containers or have to “hold it” for some time while trying to find a clean and safe restroom. This can present long term health issues such as bladder infections and incontinence in later years.”

President, Local 127, San Diego Area Municipal Employees Union

“I feel Brief Relief is the answer for our members to have an environmentally safe and sanitary means to relieve themselves. Every person has been faced with the situation of having need for a restroom with either the facilities at great distance or else not clean enough to feel comfortable. Your products take care of those problems for both male and female. It also solves the possible exposure problems since it is easily usable within the privacy of a vehicle.”

S. White

”These were recommended by my son who works for a utility company who supplies them. So much neater and better than the urinal I had for emergencies previously”

Bill Sutherland, CW3

”I am a United States Army National Guard pilot serving in Afghanistan on a one I fly 4 to 6 hour combat missions nightly and our aircraft, the Beech King Air 300 series, toilets have been removed to allow space for additional mission critical sensor equipment. This presents the air crews with regular physiological challenges. But because of your creative product, the “BriefRelief” bag, I and my crews are able to hydrate normally before and during the long endurance flights. Often times we have mixed gender crews onboard a cramped aircraft cabin, so the privacy designed into the product is also very discreet and accommodating. I have attached a picture of two happy crew members next to their airplane after completing another 6 hour combat mission over the skies of Afghanistan. Thank you for the creative work and thought that went into this product. Because of it, our crews are healthier and happier, and our aircraft are able to pack more sophisticated sensor equipment in an already cramped space that is used to keep our troops safer on the ground. Thanks again,”

Major G.W, US Army

”I was planning to send this email anyway, but coincidentally one of my chaplains started texting me about an hour ago. There was a major car crash on I-15 and the freeway was closed for about 2 hours. He happened to mention that he didn’t expect to use Brief Relief, but after being stuck in what turned into a parking lot, after his bladder “reached the size of Alaska” he remembered he had the sample in his car, largely forgotten since Sunday when I passed them out. He swears by the quality of your product! Thanks again for your support!”


”Back in September you kindly sent stickers and samples of Brief Relief. This past weekend we had our Joint Ministry Training, and it was a successful event. As expected, we had Air and Army ministry teams from nearby Rocky Mountain states.”