How Waste Bags Help Private Duty Nurses Do Their Jobs Better
With waste bags, patients don’t need to be assisted or carried to the toilet whenever they need to use the bathroom. Find out more about how Brief Relief can assist private duty nurses.
Why the Coast Guard Should Always Be Prepared with Waste Bags
Passengers rescued by the Coast Guard can already suffer from many ailments, and a moving vesicle can only make sea or air sickness worse. Here is how Brief Relief enhances conditions for rescued passengers.
Why Plumbers Shouldn’t Forget to Pack a Portable Lavatory System When on a Job
As a plumber who makes a living installing and repairing toilets, it may seem strange to use anything else when you need to poop or pee. However, when you’re on the job, and there’s no running toilet available to you, you’ll agree that a portable lavatory system is the best solution.