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Job Site Safety in the Workplace

Worker At Construction Site Is Fixing The Form For The Beam

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With so many scenarios going on during this pandemic, ensuring job site safety in the workplace is key. It’s vitally important to not only train employees, but have control measures in place that prevent the spread of infection.

There are multiple measures that can assist in ensuring job safety:


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), all employees should understand what a pandemic is; what types of activities or jobs that may put them at risk for exposure; options for working remotely, or sick policies; social distancing strategies; good hygiene and disinfection procedures; the types of PPE available and how to wear and use it; and how communications between management and employees will take place moving forward.

  • Social distancing
    Social distancing or maintaining a safe distance of 6 feet from others whenever they can is the first step in protecting employees and others. There should be restricted use of shared items and spaces.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
    Coughing and sneezing in an elbow or shirt is recommended instead of releasing those particles into the air.
  • Clean surfaces regularly
    Surfaces should be cleaned on a consistent basis with antiseptic to ensure surfaces are not contaminated, especially in high-traffic areas. Training should also include which agents to use for disinfection, what type of protective equipment to use when cleaning, and how to properly dispose of the protective equipment and cleaning agents. These routine cleanings should continue once the business is fully operational.
  • Encourage hand hygiene
    Washing hands for 30 seconds or more on a consistent basis and using hand sanitizer whenever touching items or others can assist in preventing the spread of contamination.
  • Wearing protective equipment
    Keeping employees safe with protective equipment, especially when working in high-risk work settings is important. Employees should also understand that all surgical masks and PPE should be properly sanitized or disposed of after use.
  • Sick employee procedures
    Any employee who does not feel well should stay home. Additionally, daily routines which include employee health checks should be implemented and monitored. There should be a flexible time off policy in place, as well as protocols for remote work if warranted.
  • Action Plan
    An action plan should be in place to address any issues employees or management may have in the event of an infection spread. This includes emergency communication protocols, what to do if someone is infected, and who to notify.


Other equipment

When working around biohazards, maintaining safe restroom facilities is crucial in keeping employees safe. The use of Brief Relief products has been instrumental in keeping working conditions sanitary. The use of a portable restroom with privacy screens can keep the spread of infection down, as there are no facilities to maintain. Workers in highly sensitive and contaminated situations should also use face shields whenever necessary to prevent particles from reaching their faces when working. Face shields, compared to face masks, don’t itch and people are less likely to rub their eyes, infect themselves, and infect others if the wearer is contagious. The overall objective is to save both time and money while keeping employees safe.

What is a portable restroom?

The Disposa-John Portable Restroom works with a commode to capture waste, break it down and convert it into a deodorized gel. This helps keep everyone safe while providing the services needed to keep essential operations going. For field workers and those who are in makeshift camps, this is a sterile, working alternative when there are no restroom facilities available. These solutions will also work well in establishments where more restroom facilities are needed due to new social distancing policies. There are training videos and other resources available on how best to use these products effectively while keeping employees safe.

Safety First

As businesses and other areas start to reopen, having tips and protocols posted throughout the area helps remind workers of the general guidelines for workplace safety. All federal, state, and local policies must also be considered when implementing these protocols. By following these guidelines and safety measures, employees will have the highest set of standards and protections in place.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]