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Why FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Should Equip Their Earthquake First Responders with Waste Bags

First responder walking towards the emergency site

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Earthquakes can strike without warning and cause widespread devastation within minutes. They cause injuries, fatalities, and destroy residential and commercial structures. And, depending on the level of destruction, hundreds of thousands of people could be without running water and electricity. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has been responding to disasters in the U.S., such as earthquakes, since its inception more than 40 years ago.

When disaster strikes, first responders need to act quickly. They need to plan the delivery of first aid supplies, water, and medicine. Displaced residents need resources and guidance to shelters. FEMA will also coordinate with the Red Cross to assess the allocation of supplies and medicine for survivors with immediate needs.

Earthquake responders work around the clock to ensure all those impacted get the relief they need to prepare for long-term recovery. Logistical bottlenecks keep them from responding quickly, making response efforts go on for days or weeks.

At some point, FEMA and Red Cross workers also need to respond to their own biological needs, which means finding a bathroom to relieve themselves. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Packing Waste Bags Means First Responders Always Have a Bathroom In Their Back Pocket

Brief Relief knows all about the demands and working conditions of emergency responders. The urge to pee or poop can happen anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of delivering relief goods or transporting residents from their homes to a shelter, you shouldn’t ignore the need to go to the bathroom for long.

First responders may find themselves in areas where the water and electricity are shut off, making the nearest toilets unusable and challenging to locate in the dark. More so, the earthquake may have even damaged buildings entirely, leaving them unsafe to enter.

With Brief Relief waste bags, first responders will always have a sanitary bathroom solution within reach. Waste Bag is an industry standard term that stands for ‘Waste Alleviation and Gelling’ Bag. The Disposa-John waste bag has a triple-layer barrier bag design that contains a patented blend of polymers and enzymes that convert liquid and solid wastes into a deodorized gel.

All Brief Relief waste bags come with toilet paper and antimicrobial wipes for added hygiene. They’re puncture-resistant, odor-free, and spill-proof, making them ideal for packing with the rest of your gear. You can throw them away in a normal trash receptacle because they’re non-toxic and landfill-safe; however, since it will be challenging to find a disposal site, the waste bags are also impact-resistant and sturdy enough to pack out in your bag. You don’t have to worry about the waste bag popping open and spilling its contents. [/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]

Brief Relief’s patented bags come with safe chemicals that treat waste. Brief Relief also offers portable commodes and privacy shelters, providing employees with a private bathroom that can easily pop up and be taken down wherever they need it.


Our communities’ heroes have enough to worry about; finding a clean bathroom solution while on the job shouldn’t be something to stress about. Check out Brief Relief’s line of products to learn more about how we help first responders do their jobs better.
